How Does Blockchain Help In Authenticating An Artwork?

The art industry is growing interest in blockchain technology was made apparently by its vicinity in the media. There was a remarkable improvement in art and blockchain relevant news, and a number of conferences and discussions were dedicated to the subject in recent years. Many blockchain art auction were concluded in many of the global conferences putting emphasis on the use of blockchain in the art.

Forgeries and duplication have been an irreplaceable issue in the world of artwork. It was found that roughly half of the artwork that has been circulating in the global market is either fake or stolen. The problem is that the present system of authentication leaves too many gaps between the systems. This is where the authenticity of artwork using blockchain comes into play.

It is really difficult for common individuals to identify whether the work is genuine or fake. Talented forgers pass off the fake artwork as real.

Nevertheless! The blockchain serves as the solution to this issue of forgery and thus closing the gaps in the system. How? Well, let’s dig in deep to understand how Blockchain can serve as the sword to end forgery.

Blockchain is making waves in the world of art. Listing assets on the blockchain offer a perpetual link to the artwork. Cryptoseal can be affixed to any physical item such as artwork to improve provenance. When the artwork is registered on the blockchain, a physical-digital link known as Cryptoseal makes it possible to track the artwork. It is like a tamper-proof permanent seal that is attached to the artwork specifying that the artwork is indeed authentic. 


Artwork Authenticity Certificate
Lately, we have heard from a lot of artists asking whether or not to include the certificate of authenticity. Well, even if you are just starting out and feel that your artwork can become collectible than the answer is, Yes!

An original art certificate of authenticity accommodates authorities distinctly when it comes to tracking the artworks’ history and documenting its genuineness. That being said, having this provenance established, can considerably improve the value of the artwork.
So how does it work? Take a sigh and let’s take you through four easy steps.
  • Create your profile by joining myArtBlock for Free.
  • Generate a permanent certificate of authenticity for your artwork to improve provenance.
  • Create your catalog, attach documents and protect your artwork using Blockchain technology.
  • Whenever you sell your artwork, you can attach this artwork certificate of authenticity along.
How about creating one? If you haven’t already! Well, it’s easy and a free-way of protecting oneself from forgery. Here’s how you can;
  • Sign up with myArtBlock.
  • Go to create a certificate.
  • Fill in the details like name, dimension, owner certificate number, edition, and so forth.
  • Download free printable certificates.
By establishing the authenticity of the artwork, you can maintain a record of who purchased what, when and for how much, and can obtain insights to appraise your art marketing strategy.

Join myArtBlock for a free certificate of authenticity for art. We offer artists and collectors a free way of protecting themselves from forgery using blockchain technology. For more details about us and our certificate for the authenticity of the artwork, visit our website.


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